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Contact formMachine ID: 2776
Emiliana - Carrytank 400 Diesel + 50 AdBlue
Emiliana - Carrytank 400 Diesel + 50 AdBlue
57 kg
Content 400l diesel + 50l AdBlue
Diesel side: Pump 40l/min at 12V, automatic nozzle including 4m hose
AdBlue side: Pump 15 l/min at 12V operation, manual nozzle, including 4 m hose
optional digital liter counter and filter available for an additional charge
Diesel side: Pump 40l/min at 12V, automatic nozzle including 4m hose
AdBlue side: Pump 15 l/min at 12V operation, manual nozzle, including 4 m hose
optional digital liter counter and filter available for an additional charge
on request
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1200 x 800 x 785 mm
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