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Machine ID: 6511

sweeper type 600


sweeper type 600
width from 185 cm - 280 cm

The following options are selectable:
- Three-point hitch Cat. II, forklift attachment, Euronorm with pendulum compensation, wheel loader attachment with pendulum compensation
- Front support wheel - heavy version ø 300 mm
- Sweeping brush mixed - plastic/steel or reinforced sweeping brush
- Dirt collection tray with hydraulic emptying
- splash guard
- spray device
- hydraulic swivel head
- LED marker light
- Side brush plastic left/right Ø 600 mm or side brush plastic/steel left/right Ø 600 mm
- Weed side brush left/right;

Price and delivery time on request!
on request

Send us your inquiry about this product. We will then be happy to send you all the information you need and can also arrange a viewing appointment.

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